Summary – Rolling Out a CI/CD Pipeline

In this chapter, we established a foundational understanding of what CI/CD is and how it supports the software delivery processes. This is key for software automation, which further drives digital innovation. Selecting a tool from countless options available these days can be a difficult task. We discussed key areas that could simplify the selection process. … Read more

Deploying infrastructure and application stacks – Rolling Out a CI/CD Pipeline

Before we can deploy pipeline resources, we need to have the underlying infrastructure and application components available. This is mainly to ensure that inter-stack dependencies are met so that the pipeline stack to be deployed successfully: We now have all the resources that we need in our AWS account to roll out application changes automatically. … Read more

Different approaches to managing infrastructure in AWS – Programmatic Approach to IaC with AWS CDK

Many years back, when I was starting with infrastructure automation on AWS, I used to bundle together some CLI commands in a Bash script and fire it off when new AWS accounts required bootstrapping. It worked like a charm for basic setups but surfaced limitations in other areas such as ongoing management, updates, stack removals, … Read more

Pulumi versus CDK– Programmatic Approach to IaC with AWS CDK

Under the hood, AWS CDK is more of a transpiler. Transpilers are programs that convert a piece of source code from one high- level language into another. The output from these programs has the same level of abstraction as the input. This is fundamentally different from compilers as they produce low-level code that directly interacts … Read more

Understanding the different components of the image recognition application– Programmatic Approach to IaC with AWS CDK

In addition to using Amazon Rekognition under the hood, our test application also depends on a few others to offer an end-to-end workflow for the user. Here is a list of all the components and the role they play: The entire workflow is depicted in Figure 6.2: Figure 6.2 – Automatic image labeling with Amazon … Read more

Development workflow– Programmatic Approach to IaC with AWS CDK

There are three main stages of progression when working with a CDK-based application: cdk bootstrap To create a new project directory with the required prerequisites for CDK, in the programming language of your choice, use the following command: cdk init app –language typescript To create the templates and assets that represent Cloud Assembly, use the … Read more